2007.1-2011.6 美国国家天然产物研究中心,密西西比大学药学院,天然药物化学专业,博士后,合作导师: Ikhlas A. Khan 教授。
2003.9-2006.6 北京大学药学院,天然药物化学专业,博士,导师: 果德安教授。
1990.9-1997.7 湖南中医药大学药学院,中药药剂学专业,硕士,导师: 罗杰英教授。
3. 工作经历:
2015 湖南省芙蓉学者计划特聘教授
2013-2014 湖南中医药大学药学院教授,博导,湖南学科带头人培养对象。
2011-2013 湖南中医药大学药学院副教授,海外引进人才
2007-2011 美国国家天然产物研究中心FDA天然植物药物和食品补充剂研究项目组, 博士后,研究科学家。
2006-2007 中国科学院上海药物研究所中药现代化研究中心。
1997-2006 原国家科委生命中心中国科技开发院医药所(深圳市), 研究开发室主任,所长助理,副所长。
4. 编委期刊及兼职:
1)Current Traditional Medicine 执行主编
2)Current Medicinal Chemistry (影响因子3.7),编委会成员
3)Current Cancer Drug Target (影响因子3.5),编委会成员
4)Current Molecular Medicine (影响因子3.6),编委会成员
5)Current Alzheimer Research (影响因子3.8),编委会成员
6) Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 编委会成员
7)Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences _JWU, 编委
8) 湖南中医药大学学报,编委
10)陕西中医药大学 兼职教授
1. 2015年9月25-27,西班牙巴塞罗那,第十二届世界中医药大会,报告题目“湖南土家医药研究”
2. 2015年7月22-25日,美国波士顿,Drug discovery and Therapy Word Congress 2015 ,中医药分会场主席,主持并作特邀报告。报告题目为“Chemical, Pharmacologial and Quality Control Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ethnic Medicne”。
3. 2015年7月13-15日,Mons, Belgium 比利时,the GP‐TCM Research Association, the TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies 2015 。 Katholieke Universitiet Leuven (比利时鲁汶大学)研究报告: 湖南民族药物研究
4. “The Chemical Investigations on Worldwide Traditional Medicines”,28th International symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and 8th International Conference Biodiversity (ISCNP28 & ICOB8),IUPAC shanghai, 上海,2014年10月19-24日。
5. “Current Issue and Considerations of Hunan Tujia Ethnomedicine”, WHO Second Technical Consultation on Improving Data on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region,长沙,2014年9月15-17日。
7. “The Chemical Investigations on Traditional Medicines from Worldwide Different Origins”,Global Biotechnology Congress 2014,美国波士顿,分会场主持并作邀请报告,2014年6月16-19日。
8. “The Current Research and Development of Hunan Tujia Ethnomedicine”, 6th International Conference of Drug Discovery and Therapy – TCM Session, 阿联酋Dubai, 分会场主席主持并作邀请报告,2014年2月11-13日。
9. “SCI中医药期刊介绍”,长沙,湖南中医药大学,2013,12月18日。
10. “The research and Development of Hunan Tujia Ethnomedicine”,中国科协第266次青年科学家论坛,南京,2013年11月26日。
11. “Isolation and Characterization of Agrochemicals from Chinese Medicinal Plants- The Progress on Collaboration Between HUCM(湖南中医药大学)and USDA(美国农业部)”中华中医药学会制剂分会,世界中联中药药剂专业委员会学术年会,成都,2013年10月25日。
12. “基于化学成份的土家族药物研究”;中华中医药学会中药化学分会第八次学术年会。 北京,2013年8月17日。
13. “天然药物研究进展和体会”; 深圳市卫生局继续教育中心,2013年6月15日。
14. “The Research and Development of Tujia Ethnomedicine”; 12th ICSB, Oxford, Mississippi, 美国,2013年4月16日。
15. “美国食品补充剂的化学成份研究”, “湖南土家族药物研究”;湖南省食品药品检验研究院,长沙,2013年3月20日。
16. Traditional Chinese Medicine Forum; 美国波士顿,2013, 3月11-13日
17. “The Introduction of Tujia Ethnomedicine”; Third Hamdard International Unani Medicine Conference-2013. 巴基斯坦, 2013年2月26日
18. “The Chemistry Study of Tujia Ethnomedicine Xuetong”,第三届中国中药商品学术年会,湖南长沙2012年7月15日。
19. “New phytochemicals from dietary supplements of “Cha de Bugre”, “Arjuna” and “Acai””,第11届国际牛津植物科学大会,美国密西西比大学国家天然产物研究中心,2012年4月26日。
20. “Phytochemical Investigations of American Dietary Supplements”,中华中医药学会制剂分会,世界中联中药药剂专业委员会学术年会, 昆明,2011年11月5日。
21. “Hunan Tujia Ethnomedicine Study”,湖南中医药大学药学院, 长沙, 2011年9月8日
22. “Chemistry study on Botanical Drugs”,中华中医药学会第六次全国中药化学学术年会,长沙,2011年8月22日。
23. “Looking for Natural Gifts”,湖南中医药大学药学院, 长沙, 2011年1月3日
24.“Phytochemical Investigations of Botanical Products”,苏州大学药学院,苏州,2010年12月28日。
25. “Phytochemistry Investigations of a Brazilian, an Indian and Two Chinese Botanic Products”; 美国密西西比大学国家天然产物中心,Oxford,2010年1月10日。
26. “Chemical Constituents Study from Casearia sylvestris and Terminal arjuna”,美国密西西比大学国家天然产物中心,牛津,2009年5月28日。
27. “Chemical Constituents from Chá de Bugre”,美国密西西比大学国家天然产物中心,Oxford, 2008年2月4日。
2.国家外国专家局高端外国专家项目——湖南省民族药物研究(GDT20154300071) , 11万,2015-2016
7.国家教育部留学回国人员启动科研基金-湖南土家族药物提取物和标准品库的构建(2013-693),3万,2013-2016,项目主持。(The National Ministry of Education of Overseas Returnees Start-up Fund for Scientific Research 2013-693)
8.2013年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题-基于TNF-α/NF-κB信号通路的土家药血筒抗RA药效物质基础的“单-混-谱”模式研究(20134323110004),12万,2013-2016,项目主持。(Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education 20134323110004)
9.国家自然基金面上项目-基于药物"单-混-谱"模式及TNF-α/NF-κB信号通路探讨土家药血筒抗RA药效物质基础研究(2013-57-0438-81374062),70万,2013-2017,项目主持。(National Natural Science Foundation 81374062)
10.湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目-“抗真菌药物辣蓼的活性成分研究”(13K077),6万,2013-2016,项目主持。(Hunan province university innovation platform open fund project 13K077)
11.十二五国家863计划海洋技术领域主题项目-“海洋传统药源生物(中药)资源开发利用”项目子课题八海洋中药瓦楞子的质量标准研究(SS2013AA09002),33万,2012.10-2017.10,项目主持 (National 863 Program of Marine Technology Project SS2013AA09002)
12.湖南省中医药管理局中医药科研计划重点项目-“湘西北土家族药物提取物和标准品库的构建”(201215),3万,2012.6-2014.6,项目主持。(Hunan Province Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Research Key Project 201215)
13.长沙市科技局重点课题-“六味地黄丸多指纹图谱质量控制体系构建研究”(K1205019-31),15万,2012.9-2015.8,项目主持。(Changsha Science and Technology Bureau Key Project K1205019-31)
15.美国农业部国际合作USDA (6408-41000-008-13N) Technology for Discovery of Novel Plant-derived Fungicides and Biopesticides for US and Chinese Agriculture,2012.5.1-2017.4.30,中方主要合作者,子课题主持。
17.湖南中医药大学海外人才科研启动项目-“中药和湖南少数民族药物研究”,50万,2011.6-2014.6,项目主持。(HUCM Overseas Returnee Start-up Fund)
18.美国国立卫生院NIH,Advancing Drug Development in Medicinal Plants Using Transciptomics and metabolics,39万美元,2009.9-2010.8,参与。
19.美国农业部USDA (58-6408-7-228) Discovery and Development of Natural Product-based Insect Management Compounds for Medical,Veterinary and Urban Concern. 19万美元,2007.9-2010.6,参与。
20.美国FDA(U01FD 002071-09),Science based authentication of dietary supplements. 161万美元,2006.10-2011.6,参与。
23.深圳市科技计划项目(990268) –“中国内地与香港医药行业项目评估的研究”,20万,20万,1999.5-2000.5,参与,排名第八。
论文被Natural Product Reports(影响因子10.7)引用报道20次。
1)Planta Medica; 2)Tetrahedron;
3)Tetrahedron Letter; 4)Journal of Natural Products;
5)Phytochemistry; 6)Phytochemistry Letter;
7)Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry; 8)Journal of Chromatograph A;
9)Natural Products Communications; 10)Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters;
11)Natural Products Research; 12)Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology;
13)Fitoteropia; 14)Chinese Medicne;
15)Journal of Planar Chromatography; 16)Neurochemistry International;
17)Analytical Letter; 18) Journal of Chromatograph B.
1.2015年7月22-25日,美国波士顿,Drug discovery and Therapy -- Word Congress 2015 ,中医药分会场主席,主持并作特邀报告。报告题目为“Chemical, Pharmacologial and Quality Control Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ethnic Medicne”。
2.2015年4月13-17日,美国密西西比州大学,15th Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals, 作特邀报告,报告题目为“Chemical, Pharmacologial and Quality Control Studies of TCM and Ethnic Medicine”。
3.Wang W*, Ikhlas Khan, Dean Guo. The Chemical Investigations on Traditional Medicine from the Worldwide Different Regions. Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress, 2014, June 16th-19th, Boston, USA
4.Wang W*. The Current Research and Development of Tujia Ethnomedicine. 6th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, Feb 10th-12th 2014, Dubai, UAE
5.Wang W. The Research and Development of Tujia Ethnomedicine. Planta Medica, 2013, 79: 375. 12th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS
6.Xie Q, Su W, Yu J, Liao DF, Li SX, Wang W*, Cantrell CL, Wedge DE. Bioassay-guided Isolation and Identification of Fungitoxic Coumarins from Angelica dahurica. Planta Medica, 2013, 79:376. 12th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS
7.Li Q, Chen S, Su W, Hu J, Liao DF, Duke SQ, Cantrell CL, Wang W*(通讯作者), Wedge DE. Identification and Characterization of Herbicide from Pileostegia viburnoides var. glabrescens. Planta Medica, 2013, 79:377. 12th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS
8. Wang W, Ali Z, Li XC, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. New phytoch- emicals from dietary supplements of “Cha de Bugre”, “Arjuna” and “Acai”. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 498-499; 11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
9.Yang XG, Li Z, Wang W, Cui L, Zeng XY, Liu TS. Effects on Photosynthetic Characteristics, Yield and Quality on Salvia miltiorrhiza after spaceflight. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 510; 11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
10.Sheng H, Liu WL, Wang W, Shi JL, Deng KW, He FY. Establishment and Validation of Total Quantum Statistical Moment Similarity for Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Chromatographic Fingerprints. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 523-524; 11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
11.Yang XG, Shu K, Wang W, Chu SS, Liu TS. Characteristics of Phenotype and Isozyme Variation in Salvia miltiorrhiza after Spaceflight. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 510; 11th International Conference on Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS;
12.Zou JY, Liu BB, Qu YW, Wang W, Chen SH. Chemical Constituents of Pileostegia viburnoides var. glabrescens. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 518;11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
13.Lei ZD, Hang Y, Lei ZJ, Wang W, Xia XH. Preliminary Serum Pharmacochemistry Study on Shuxiong Tablets.Planta Medica, 2012, 78(3), 524; 11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
14.Avula B, Wang YH, Wang M, Wang W, Khan IA. Comparison studies of UPLC and HPLC for analysis of tannins from fruits of various speicies of terminalia. 11th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 16-19, 2012.
15.Wang W, Li XC, Tang WZ, Rumalla SC, Avula B, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. New Phytochemicals from Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Planta Medica, 2011, 77(3), 523-524; 10th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2011.
16.Liang YH, Wang W, Ye M, Khan IA, Guo DA. Chiratane Triterpenoid from the Rhizomes of Drynaria fortunei. Planta Medica, 2011, 77(3), 524; 10th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2011.
17.Tang WZ , Wang W, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. Chemical Studies on the Leaves of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni. Planta Medica, 2011, 77(3), 532; 10th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2011.
18.Rumalla CS, Avula B, Ali Z, Wang W, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. Quantitative Deter- mination of Saponins in Terminalia chebula and Comparative Study of Terminalia species by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography; Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
19.Zeng F, Wang W, Wu YS, Ye M, Avery MA, Khan IA. Two Prenylated and C-methylated Flavonids from Triperygium wilfordii Hook.F.; Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
20.Du XG, Wang W, Zhang QV, Ye M, Zhao YY, Pu XP, Wang BR, Khan IA, Guo DA. Xanthones from Swertia punicea (Gentianaceae); Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
21.Wang W, Ali Z, Li XC, Khan IA. Neoglians and ent-Labdane Diterenoid from the Leaves of Casearia sylvestris (Flacourtiaceae); Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
22.Wang W, Ali Z, Sheng YH, Li XC, Khan IA. Triterpenoids from the Bark of Terminalia arjuna (Combretazeae); ); Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
23.Zeng F, Wang W, Wang XM, Liu RX, Liang Y, Yang M, Khan IA. Analysis of Ginsenosides in Different Ginseng Populations Using HPLC-UV and HPLC-UV and HPLC-ESI-MS Methods”; Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
24.Shen YH, Wang YH, Wang W, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. Tannins and Related Compounds Isolated from Terminalia bellerica; Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
25.Song Zh, Qian ZZ, Shen YH, Wang W, Rumalla CS, Smillie TJ, Khan IA. “Marker Compounds from the Herb Lancea tibetica and Identification by HPTLC; Planta Medica, 2010, 76(3), 512-547; 9th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 12-15, 2010.
26.Wang W, Ali Z, Li XC, Khan IA. “Clerodane and Ent-kaurane Diterpenoids and C13 Nor-isoprenoids from Casearia sylvestris”; Planta Medica. 2009, 75(4), 424; 8th International Conference on the Science of Botanicals; Oxford, MS; April 6-9, 2009.
27.Qian Xie, Shun-Xiang Li, Duan-Fang Liao, Wei Wang*, Babu Tekwani, Hui-Yong Huang, Abbas Ali, Junaid ur Rehman, Kevin K. Schrader, Stephen O. Duke, Charles L. Cantrell and David E. Wedge*. Bio-pesticidal and Antimicrobial Coumarins from Angelica dahurica (Fisch. Ex Hoffm). Records of Natural Products. 10:3 (2016) , 294-306.
28.Wei Wang. Meet Our Editorial Board Member. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2015, 22(37), 4233.
29.Yang Liu, Michael Chan, Jianhua Huang, Bin Li, Wen Ouyang, Caiyun Peng, Duanfang Liao and Wei Wang*. Triterpenoid Saponins from Two Panax japonicus Varietals Used in Tujia Ethnomedicine, Current Traditional Medicine. 2015, 1(2): 122 – 135.
30.Duan-Fang Liao and Wei Wang. Editorial: The History and Future of Traditional Medicines.
Current Traditional Medicine. 2015, 1(1): 3 – 4.
31.Yixing Qiu, Jianhua Huang, Xingming Jiang, Yang Chen, Yang Liu, Rong Zeng, Nuzhat Shehla, Qiang Liu, Duanfang Liao, Dean Guo, Yizeng Liang , Wei Wang*, Quantitative and Qualitative Determination of Liuwei Dihuang Preparations by the Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Dual-wavelengths Fingerprinting Mode and Random Forest, Journal of Seperation Science, 2015, 2015, 38, 3720–3726.
32.Jian-Hua Huang, Liang Fu, Bin Li, Hua-Lin Xie,* Xiaojuan Zhang, Yanjiao Chen, Yuhui Qin, Yuhong Wang, Shuihan Zhang, Huiyong Huang, Duanfang Liao and Wei Wang* Distinguishing the serum metabolite profiles differences in breast cancer by gaschromatography mass spectrometry and random forest method. RSC Advance, 2015, 5, 58952-58958.
33.Mubashir Masoodi, Zulfiqar Ali, Shuang Liang, Hongquan Yin, Wei Wang, Ikhlas A. Khan*, Labdane diterpenoids from Marrubium vulgare, Phytchemistry Letters 13 (2015) 275–279.
34.Wen Ouyang, Xiao-ai Zhu, Wei Wang, Xue-Xiang Chen, Yun-Jiao, Chen and Yong Cao, Novel skeleton sesquiterpenoids isolated from guava leaves, Natural Product Research, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2015.1076819
35.Hou-pan Song, Xin Li, Rong Yu, Guang Zeng, Zhen-yi Yuan, Wei Wang, Huiyong Huang, and Xiong Cai. Phenotypic characterization of type II collagen-induced arthritis in Wistar rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2015, 10 (4):1483-1488. DOI: 10.3892/etm.2015.2667.
36.Wei Su, Jianping Zhao, Min Yang, Hui-Wen Yan, Tao Pang, Sheng-Huang Chen, Hui-Yong Huang, Shui-Han Zhang, Xiao-Chi Ma, De-An Guo, Ikhlas A. Khan, Wei Wang*. A coumarin lignanoid from the stems of Kadsura heteroclita. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2015, 25, 1506-1508.
37.Zhenpeng Mai, Chao Wang, Yan Wang, Houli Zhang, Baojing Zhang, Wei Wang*, Xiaokui Huo, Shanshan Huang, Changyuan Wang, Kexin Liu, Xiao-Chi Ma, Xiao-Bo Wang*. Bioactive metabolites of Schisanlactone E Transformed by Cunninghamella blakesleana AS 3.970. Fitoterapia 2014,99, 352-61
38.Canling Cheng, Pinglin Li, Wei Wang, Xuefeng Shi, Gang Zhang, Hongyan Zhu, Rongcui Wu, Xuli Tang, Guoqing Li*. Optimized One-step Preparation of New Bioactive Natural Product uaiazulene-2,9-dione. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2014, 13 (6), 1000-4
39.Wei Su, Jian-ping Zhao, Jian Hu, Min Yang, Melissa Jacob, Wei Wang*, Xiong Cai, Rong Zeng, Sheng-huang Chen*, Ikhlas Khan, and De-an Guo. Two new bicyclic sesquiterpenes from the stems of Kadsura heteroclita. Natural Product Research. 2014, 28(15):1197-201
40.Jian Hu, Jianping Zhao, Shabana I. Khan, Yang Liu, Qiang Liu, Zulfiqar Ali, Xing-Cong Li, Wei Wang*, Ikhlas A. Khan*. Antioxident Neolignan and Phenolic Glycosides from the Fruit of Euterpe oleracea. Fitoterapia 2014,99,178-83
41.Zhi-Xing Qing, Pi Cheng, Xiu-Bin Liu, Yi-Song , Jian-Guo Zeng* and Wei Wang. Structural speculation and identification of alkaloids in Macleay acordata fruits by high-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined with a screening procedure. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2014, 28, 1033-44.
42.Yuanqing Wang, Jianye Yan, Shunxiang Li*, Xiong Cai, Wei Wang, Kun Luo, Dan Huang, Yu Xie, Jiesheng Gao. Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of tanshinone IIA in BHQ granules in rats with blood stasis syndrome. Pharmacogonosy Magazine 2014, 10(39), 285-91.
43.Jin Zhou, Shun-xiang Li*, Wei Wang, Xiao-yi Guo, Xiang-yang Lu, Xin-pei Yan, Dan Huang, Bao-yang Wei, and Liang Cao. Variations in the Levels of Mulberroside A, Oxyresveratrol, and Resveratrol in Mulberries in Different Seasons and during Growth. The Scientific World Journal. 2013 Article ID 390692.
44.Feng Zeng, Wei Wang*, Shuhong Guan, Chunru Cheng, Min Yang, Bharathi Avula, Ikhlas A. Khan, De-an Guo*. Simultaneous Quantification of 18 Bioactive Constituents in Tripterygium wilfordii Using Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. Planta Medica 2013, 79, 797-805
45.Xin-Gang Du, Wei Wang (共同第一作者), Qing-Ying Zhang, Jun Cheng,Bharathi Avula, Ikhlas A.Khan. and De-an Guo*. Identification of Xanthones from Swertia punicea Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 26, 2913–2923.
46.Qingfei Liu,Walter Luyten*, YiMing Wang, Kllartje Pellens, Wei Wang, Karin Thevissend, Qionglin Liange, BrunoP.A.Cammued, Liliane Schoofs, Guoan Luo*.Antifungal activity in plants from Chinese traditional and folk medicine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012, 143(3), 772-8.
47.Yong-hong Liang, Wei Wang, Si-wang Yu, Min Ye* , Xiang-hui He, Ning-bo Gong, Yang Lu, Ikhlas A.Khan, De-an Guo*. A new chiratane type triterpenoid from the rhizomes of Drynaria fortunei. Fitoterapia. 2010, 81 (11), 988-991.
48.Wei Wang, Zulfiqar Ali, Xing-Cong Li, Ikhlas A.Khan.* A new ent-labdane diterpene glycoside from the leaves of Casearia sylvestris. Natural Product Communications. 2010, 5 (5), 771-774.
49.Wei Wang, Zulfiqar Ali, Xing-Cong Li, Yunheng Shen, Ikhlas A.Khan*. Triterpenoids from two Terminalia Species. Planta Medica. 2010, 76, 1751-1754.
50.Feng Zeng, Wei Wang(共同第一作者), Yunshan Wu,Moul Dey, Min Ye,Mitchell A.Avery, Ikhlas A.Khan, De-an Guo*. Two Prenylated and C-methylated flavonoids from Tripterygium wilfordii. Planta Medica. 2010, 76, 1596-1599.
51.Xin-Gang Du, Wei Wang, Qing-Ying Zhang, Min Ye, Yu-Ying Zhao, Xiao-Ping PU, Bao-Rong Wang, Ikhlas A.Khan, De-an Guo*. Neuroprotective xanthone glycosides from Swertia punicea. Journal of Natural Products. 2010, 73, 1422-1426.
52.Wei Wang, Zulfiqar Ali, Xing-Cong Li, Ikhlas A.Khan*. Neolignans from the leaves of Casearia sylvestris Swartz. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2010, 93 (1), 139-146.
53.Wei Wang, Zulfiqar Ali, Yunheng Shen, Xing-Cong Li, Ikhlas A.Khan*. Ursane triterpenoids from the bark of Terminalia arjuna. Fitoterapia. 2010, 81, 480-484.
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55.Wei Wang, Jianpin Zhao,Xing-Cong Li, Zulfiqar Ali, Troy A.Smillie, De-An Guo, Ikhlas A.Khan*. New clerodane diterpenoids from Casearia sylvestris. Fitoteropia. 2009, 80 (7), 404-407.
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57.SI-Jia Tao, Shu-Hong Guan, Wei Wang, Zhi-Qiang Lu, Guang-Tong Chen, Na Sha, Qing-Xi Yue, Xuan Liu, De-an Guo*. Cytotoxic polyprenylated xanthones from the resin of Garcinia hanburyi. Journal of Natural Products. 2009, 72 (1), 117–124.
58.Wei Wang, Zulfiqar Ali, Xing-Cong Li, Ikhlas A.Khan*. Clerodane and ent-kaurane diterpene glycosyl and glycosides derivatives from the leaves of Casearia sylvestris. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2009, 92, 1829-1839.
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60.Wei Wang, Zhengren Xu, Min Yang, Rongxia Liu, Weixing Wang, Peng Liu, De-an Guo*. Structural determination of seven new triterpenoids from Kadsura heteroclita by NMR techniques. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2007, 45, 522–526.
61.Min Yang, Wei Wang, Jiang-Hao Sun, Yu-Ying Zhao, Yi Liu, Hong Liang*, De-an Guo*.Characterization of phenolic compounds in the crude extract of Hedysarum multijugum by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2007, 21 (23), 3833-3841.
62.Jun Zhao, Shu-Hong Guan, Xiao Bin Chen, Wei Wang, Min Ye, De-an Guo*, Two new compounds derived from bufalin. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18(11), 1316-1318.
63.Xiao-Ming Wang , Shu-Hong Guan, Rongxia Liu, Jiang-Hao Sun, Liang Y, Min Yang, Wei Wang, Kai-Shun Bi, De-an Guo*. HPLC determination of four triterpenoids in rat urine after oral administration of total triterpenoids from Ganoderma lucidum. Journal of Pharmacettical and Biomedical Analysis. 2007, 43, 1185–1190.
64.Hui-Lian Huang, Zhi-Qiang Lu, Guang-Tong Chen, Jin-Qiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Min Yang, De-an Guo*, Phenylpropanoid-substituted catechins and epicatechins from Smilax china. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2007, 90, 1751-1757.
65.Wei Wang, Jinzhi Liu, Xiao-Chi Ma, Min Yang, Weixing Wang, Peng Liu, De-an Guo*. Three new cyclolanostane triterpenoids from the ethanol extract of the stems of Kadsura heteroclta. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2006, 89 (9), 1888-1893.
66.Rongxia Liu, Wei Wang, Wang Q, Kai-Shun Bi, De-an Guo*. Identification and determination of major flavonoids in rat urine by HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS methods following oral administration of Dalbergia odorifera Extract. Biomed Chromatography. 2006, 20, 101-108.
67.Wei Wang, Jinzhi Liu, Min Yang, Xiaoming Wang , Jiang-Hao Sun, Rongxia Liu, De-an Guo*, Simultaneous determination of six major constituents in the stems of Kadsura heteroclita by LC-DAD. Chromatographia 2006, 64, 297-302.
68.Wei Wang, Jinzhi Liu, Han J, Zhengren Xu, Xuan LiuR, Peng Liu, Xiao-Chi Ma, Shu-Hong Guan, De-an Guo*, New triterpenoids from Kadsura heteroclita and their cytotoxic activity. Planta Medica, 2006, 72 (5), 450-457.
69.Wei Wang, Jinzhi Liu, Rongxia Liu, Zhengren Xu, Min Yang, Weixing Wang, Peng Liu, Gular Sabia, Xiaoming Wang , Dean Guo*, Four new lignans from the stems of Kadsura heteroclita. Planta Medica, 2006, 72 (3), 284-288.
70.Wei Wang, Xiao-Chi Ma, Rongxia Liu, Shu-Hong Guan, De-an Guo*. Two new dibenzylbutyrolactone type lignans from Kadsura heteroclita. Natural Product Communications, 2006, 1(2), 109-112.
71.Rongxia Liu, Li Li, Qiao Wang, Wei Wang, Kai-Shun Bi, De-an Guo*. Simultaneous determination of nine flavonoids in Dalbergia odorifera by LC. Chromatographia. 2005, 61, 409-413.