1988年于华东理工大学获博士学位,2000-2003年在美国University of Delaware,Syracuse University从事有机合成和药物化学研究。 2004-2007年在加拿大ChemRoutes公司从事药物合成研发工作。2007年起任青岛科技大学化工学院教授。主要研究方向为化工工艺过程开发、药物中间体合成工艺、精细有机合成、不对称催化合成研究。目前开展具有化工工艺过程开发、药物中间体合成研究及开发以及不对称催化。
1. synthesis of spiropyrrolidinyl-benzoisothiazoline derivatives by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddtion of benzoisothiazole-2,2-dioxide-3-ylidenes and azomethine ylide Caoguorui, Huang Longjiang, Teng Dawei*, Tetrahedron,2014,70 (49),9359-9365
1. Hui Hong, Longjiang Huang, Dawei Teng, A spirocyclic oxindole analogue: Synthesis and antitumor activities, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2011(9), 1009-1012.
2. Longjiang Huang, Dawei Teng, An improved and scalable process for 3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octane analogues, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2011(5), 523-526.
3. Dawei Teng, Bo Wang, Alex J. Augatis, and Nancy I. Totah, Studies toward the synthesis of phomactin A. An approach to the macrocyclic core, TetrahedronLetter, 2007,4605-4607.
4. Dawei Teng, Hongxing Zhang and Aubrey Mendonca, An Efficient Synthesis of a Spirocyclic Oxindole Analogue, Molecules,2006(11),700-706.
5. Douglass F. Taber, Dawei Teng, Total Synthesis of the Ethyl Ester of the Major Urinary metaboliteof Prostaglandin E2, Journal of Organic Chemistry,2002,67(5),1607-1602.