1.Huo-XiJin, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Zhong-Ce Hu, and Yu-Guo Zheng. Production of (R)-epichlorohydrinfrom 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol by two-step biocatalysis using halohydrindehalogenase and epoxide hydrolase in two-phase system. Biochemical EngineeringJournal, 2013, 74(15):1-7
2.Huo-XiJin, Zhong-Ce Hu, and Yu-Guo Zheng. Enantioselecive hydrolysis ofepichlorohydrin using whole cells ofAspergillus nigerZJB- 09173 in organic solvents. Journal of Bioscience, 2012, 37(4):695-702
3.Huo-XiJin, Zhong-Ce Hu, Zhi-Qiang Liu, and Yu-Guo Zheng. Nitrite-mediatedsynthesis of chiral epichlorohydrin using halohydrin dehalogenase fromAgrobacteriumradiobacterAD1.Biotechnology and AppliedBiochemistry,2012, 59(3):170-177
4.Huo-XiJin, Zhong-Ce Hu, Zhi-Qiang Liu, and Yu-Guo Zheng. Biosynthesisof (R)-epichlorohydrinat high concentration of substrate by kinetic resolution of racemicepichlorohydrin witha recombinant epoxide hydrolase. Engineering in Life Science,2013, 13(4):385-392