6. 雀巢公司合作项目:Bioactivities of complex of tea polysaccharides and iron(编号:20070027,2007年-2008年),第2位。
1. Zhang L, Zhang B, Lin H, Liu PP, Yu LN, Wang DF. Preparation of trypsin-immobilised chitosan beads and their application to the purification of soybean trypsin inhibitor. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88, 2332-2339.
2. Zhang L, Liu WS, Han BQ, Sun JP, Wang DF. Isolation and characterization of antitumor polysaccharides from the marine mollusk Ruditapes philippinarum. European Food Research and Technology, 2008, 227, 103-110.
3. Zhang L, Liu WS, Han BQ, Wang DF. Synthesis and antitumor activity of arginine-glucosamine conjugate. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2007, 69, 644-650.
4. Zhang L, Liu WS, Han BQ, Peng YF, Wang DF. Antitumor activities of D-glucosamine and its derivatives. Journal of ZhejiangUniversity SCIENCE B, 2006, 7, 608-614.
8. Zhou YB, Wang DF, Zhang L, Du XF, Zhou XL. Effects of polysaccharides on gelatinization and retrogradation of wheat starch. Food Hydrocolloids,2008, 22, 505-512.
9. Zhang B, Wang DF, Zhang L, Li HY. Affinity purification of trypsin inhibitor with anti-aspergillus flavus activity from cultivated and wild soybean. Mycopathologia, 2009, 167, 163-171.
1. Zhang L, Liu WS, Han BQ, Wang DF. Isolation and Antitumor Activities of Proteoglycan from the Marine Mollusk, Ruditapes philippinarum. International Conference on Food Science and Technology VI, Book of Abstracts, 2005, p76. 获中国食品科学技术学会2005年度优秀论文三等奖。
2. Zhang L, Zhang B, Wang DF, Yu LN. Use of trypsin immobilized chitosan beads for soybean trypsin inhibitor purification from soybean whey. The 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology, Abstract Book, 2007, p115.